Friday, June 18, 2010

budak surau, minah tudung labuh, etc?

hey, I am going to write in Malay this time...

Hurm da lame ak nak tulis psal bnde, pasal persepsi orang ramai dengan gelaran "mat surau" atau "minah alim". Tapi kerana perasaan marah mnguasai otak stiap kali nak tulis, ak tangguhkan je coz sesuatu bende yang ditulis atas dasar nafsu marah akan menyebabkan akal kita tak boleh membezakan yg mane yg betul atau yg mane salah.

Asal marah?
Oke ak ade bace dari satu blog, pasal sorang budak ni, die berasa panas. Kisahnya?
Dia berada dalam kelas yang membosankan, ramai budak tido. Tetiber, cikgu point kat budak yg tido kat depan die mnyebabkan satu kelas tgok kat dorang. Tapi budak depan die tu dengan muka x bersalah tgok kat diri si penulis blog tu seolah-olah die yg tido. So si mangsa ni berasa baran ah coz budak depan dia adalah "mat surau", seolah-olah die x bole terima kenyataan sorang 'budak surau' bt camtu.

Then here is another case. erk suddenly I tend to write in english -.-'
Once I had a long chat with my friend. Then he said about an issue, where a person from his school is a gay (my friend is from an all-boy boarding school, I suppose its quite common). Then he point out that the guy is a "mat surau", making him to hate the guy even more.

The point here is, I think a lot of people has a wrong perception about "mat surau" or "minah tudung labuh" things. Let me say this out clearly;

"mat surau" and "minah tudung labuh" is not HOLY

They are normal human, that can easily be fallen to the devil's incitement (hasutan?) and self desire (nafsu?).
No I am not saying its oke for someone to be a gay, or to do like in the first case. Yes they do mistakes, but their wrongdoings is not related with the fact whether he or she a mat surau or minah tudung labuh.
I hate this labeling terms because it makes a lot of people become reluctant to come to surau / masjid to pray jamaah and wear a big scarf when the facts that Muslims should do them.

Let be fair oke.
People say all the free-hairs Muslimah is not 'bad', its just they have not been told to wear scurf since young properly. True.
Then so do all those mat surau and minah tudung labuh. Its not they are "good", they just follow the way a muslim should be.

There is no such thing as
"I am holy enough, now I should go to surau to pray jamaah everyday", or
"I am not 'holy' to wear a big scurf yet, maybe next time, when I am 'prepare' "

Every muslimin should pray jamaah 5 times a day, as in Quran;

"Dan dirikanlah solat, tunaikan zakat dan rukuklah beserta orang-orang yang rukuk.”(Al-Baqarah: 43)

dan hadis sahih;

"Baginda S.A.W bersabda, 'Sungguh, alangkah ingin aku menyuruh (para sahabat) melakukan solat, dan aku suruh seseorang untuk mengimaminya, kemudian aku pergi bersama beberapa orang yang membawa beberapa ikat kayu bakar menuju (rumah) orang-orang yang tidak ikut solat berjemaah, untuk membakar rumah mereka dengan api' " (Sahih Bukhari dan Muslim)

Those talks are devils tricks, so that there will less people go to surau or wear big scurf, as according to Quran.

There is no such thing as "moderate Muslim" or "good Muslim". When we are a Muslim, then we should follow the way it is.

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